tag : git

Switch to metadata-less gitfiletree

tl;dr: add "Metadata" : "false" to project root’s .filetree commit the change in every image with the repo: open Monticello Browser, right click on the repository and select Flush

How to use git and GitHub with Pharo

Update 2017: This guide remains here for historical reasons. I no longer recommend using GitFileTree, you should jump straight into using Iceberg. As far as I can tell (at the time of the writing any

Moving project from SmalltalkHub to GitHub

Update 2017: This guide remains here for historical reasons. The script presented here works, but is severely flawed in respect to history ordering and merging. If you are migrating, you should use g

Testing Pharo projects with Travis

Writing tests is nice and all, but if you have to manually run your whole suite every time you make changes, you will soon go crazy. Likewise when accepting contributions to your project you wouldn’t